Discover our leadership principles
- Discipline
- Work Ethic
- Grit
- Humility
- Frugality
- Competition
- Stewardship & Giving Back
- Adaptability & Innovation
- Critical Thinking
- Radical Candor
- Extreme Ownership
- Entrepreneurial Risk
While business practices continue to evolve, our focus on what drives forward progress does not. We remain passionate about delivering excellence, demonstrating an entrepreneurial spirit, and being committed to always doing the right thing.
Work Ethic
As demonstrated as early as the initial efforts of Glenn and Lloyd Clark, work ethic is an essential component to building products, trust, and systems that continue to thrive for 50+ years.
Competition in an unknown space requires comfort with risk and setback, and unwavering faith in the talent of a team. We must remain forward thinking and be ready to “weather the storm” to stay leaders in the industry.
We remain humbly aware of that which we do not know. It is for this reason that we must continue to seek employees who showcase the very best skills, knowledge, and problem-solving in their respective fields.
We pride ourselves on being great stewards of our resources. This includes the time of our employees as well as the financial resources of our business. The responsible handling of resources has remained the springboard that has allowed our organization to grow exponentially.
Our winning drive is born out of a relentless desire to stay away from arrogance, bureaucracy, and complacency. We will never be so successful that there is not more to learn, solve, and achieve. While we take pride in our success, our goal is to always be better than our former selves.
Stewardship & Giving Back
Our Chairman, Fred Clark, discusses frequently that one of the most valuable lessons taught to him by his father’s example is that “when you have more than you need, there is always someone that needs it more than you.” Clark Associates Charitable Foundation gives fiscal resources to empower non-profits to use their gifts in strategic ways within communities where our customers and employees live. Our employees also value the opportunity to volunteer in these same communities.
Adaptability & Innovation
While cultural principles will withstand the test of time, business practices must remain in tune with solving today’s needs while preparing for tomorrow’s opportunities. Fred Clark reminds others “to skate where the puck is going to be, not where it has been” (Wayne Gretzky). The “success trap” lulls companies into complacency once “good” outcomes occur. At Clark Associates, we eagerly begin to plan for continued greatness while at the top of our game...that’s how we stay there.
Critical Thinking
Industry challenges are rarely simple, however, the solution to finding the way forward remains quite simplistic. At Clark Associates, we hire those who demonstrate an incredible work ethic, who are hungry for success, and who ask great questions. The answers we find often lead to solutions and surprising innovation.
Radical Candor
We pride ourselves in having a strong culture that demonstrates equal doses of respect and assertiveness. The sentiments of passion, competition, challenge, and a desire for greatness must have a place at the table in every conversation at every level. At Clark Associates, we are accountable to ourselves as well as for pushing our colleagues to be their very best.
Extreme Ownership
Every employee at Clark Associates is charged to view their tasks, teams, products, and workplaces through an “owner’s mindset.” The responsibility to build greatness lies on the shoulders of each and every employee, regardless of position. While there are many unknowns about the future of the industry, what is certain is that we will remain a truly great company through the collective efforts of each and every employee.
Entrepreneurial Risk
We find ourselves positioned for continued success today because Fred Clark continued to ask “why not,” instead of “how?” A phrase that can be heard echoing down the hallways of every campus building is that “failure is the tuition for success.” By failing early and often, we refine our processes by taking intelligent risks and rewarding mistakes that yield valuable lessons.